Mãos à Escrita
Jornal do Agrupamento Professor João de Meira

A School Trip
Por Manuela Ribeiro (Professora), em 2016/06/01999 leram | 0 comentários | 249 gostam
Os alunos Gonçalo Guimarães, Maria Teresa Maia e Maria Abrantes, do 6º ano turma C, realizaram estas composições em inglês sobre a sua visita de estudo ao Porto.
A school trip

On 18th March, we were very happy and looking foward to our school trip to Oporto. On that day we and all sixth grade students went to school very early. Then, we went into the school bus. The journey lasted for 45 minutes. It was fun.
When we arrived there, we went to the Serralves Garden. We were divided in two groups. In there, we did a lot of experiments. At the end, we could get a little bit of chlorophyll; it was really cool! Next, as it was a rainy day we went to a school in Oporto, where we had our packed lunch.
In the afternoon, we went to the Serralves museum. Our group stayed with a guide and with a teacher. We saw a lot of paintings and pictures. We also drew three caricatures with squares and other geometric forms. It was great! At the end we could buy some souvenirs at the museum´s shop. Finally, we returned to school. We were happy because the next day was Saturday and we could rest.
What a beautiful school trip! We loved it!

Written by:
Maria Teresa Maia and Maria Abrantes, 6º C

A Fantastic School Trip

It was a rainy day! All the students from the 6th grade were very excited because we had a school trip.
We left school at nine o’clock in a beautiful bus. We went to Oporto.
First we visited a farm and we learnt about plants, than we had lunch at a school called Garcia da Horta. After that we went to Serralves Museum where we saw fantastic sculptures and pictures of famous people. It was great.
Then it was time to return home and our school was waiting for us! I loved visiting the Serralves Museum; it’s a beautiful place.

Gonçalo Guimarães, 6º C

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